SMTL Dressings Datacard

Product Name: Mepilex Lite
Classification Name: Self-adhesive soft silicone faced polyurethane foam dressing
Manufacturer: Mölnlycke Health Care


Mepilex Lite is a conformable absorbent self-adhesive dressing which consists of a thin flexible sheet of absorbent hydrophilic polyurethane foam about four millimetres thick, bonded to a semi-permeable polyurethane film, bonded to a water vapour-permeable polyurethane film backing layer. The wound contact surface of the dressing is coated with a soft silicone adhesive layer which adheres to the peri-wound skin, retaining the dressing in position and providing a moist wound-healing environment.image

In this way the dressing maintains the wound in a moist condition and thus provides a micro-environment that is conducive to healing.


Mepilex Lite is designed for the management of a wide range of non to low exuding wounds, such as leg and foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, partial thickness burns, radiation skin reactions and epidermolysis bullosa.

Mepilex Lite can also be used to protect compromised and/or fragile skin. The dressing can be applied under compression bandaging and used in combination with other dressings such as hydrogels.


The manufacturers have identified no absolute contra-indications to the use of Mepilex Lite

Method of use

The wound contact surface of the dressing is protected with a plastic film, which must be removed before use. If clinically indicated, the wound should be cleaned and the surrounding skin thoroughly dried before application of the dressings. If additional fixation is required this should only be applied around the margins of the dressing.

Mepilex Lite can be cut to suit various wound shapes and locations.

Frequency of Change

The interval between changes will normally be determined by the amount of exudate produced by the wound, but the dressing may be left in place for several days on clean non-infected wounds.


The presence of clinical infection does not preclude the use of Mepilex Lite provided that appropriate antimicrobial therapy is also provided. Mepilex Lite should be stored in dry conditions below 35° (95F).


Mepilex Lite is supplied individually wrapped in paper/plastic laminated peel pouches, sterilised by ethylene oxide.


Mepilex Lite is available in a range of sizes as follows:

6 cm x 8.5 cm

10 cm x 10 cm

15 cm x 15 cm

20 cm x 50 cm


Dykes, P. J., Heggie, R., Hill, S. A. Effects of adhesive dressings on the stratum corneum of the skin. J. Wound Care 2001; 10(2): 7-10.


Further information on obtaining Mölnlycke Health Care products is available on the Mölnlycke Health Care web site.

Revision Details

Revision AuthorDr S. Thomas
Revision No 1.2
Revision date2009/05/21

This datacard has been prepared from data provided by the manufacturer and/or from published literature.

All materials copyright © 1992-2007 by the Surgical Materials Testing Lab. unless otherwise stated.

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Last Modified: Thursday, 21-May-2009 10:20:40 BST