SMTL Dressings Datacard

Product Name: Veinopress
Classification Name: Bandage Compression
Manufacturer: Molinier, distributed by Pharma-Plast Ltd, Steriseal Division.


Veinopress, which is classified as a Type 3b `Moderate Compression Bandage' consists of a pink-coloured woven fabric, the weft threads of which are made of cotton, and the warp threads of false-twist nylon and elastane. Together these impart a high degree of elasticity to the bandage. Tests have shown that Veinopress may be washed repeatedly without any adverse effect upon its performance.


Unlike bandages manufactured entirely from cotton and other non-elastomeric fibres, Veinopress is capable of applying and maintaining significant levels of sub-bandage pressure. Using standard application techniques, the bandage may be expected to maintain maximum pressures of the order of 35 mmHg at the ankle and 25 mmHg at the calf, assuming a limb of average proportions.

Veinopress is suitable for the management of venous insufficiency and the control of oedema. It is also used for the application of pressure and support in the treatment of sprains and strains, and varicose veins, and as an aid to rehabilitation following orthopaedic surgery. Veinopress may also be used in conjunction with a suitable primary dressing for the treatment of varicose ulcers.


Although Veinopress is suitable for the application of relatively high levels of sub-bandage pressure to normal limbs, it is not ideally suited for the application of such pressures to large limbs that are also grossly oedematous. For these and similar indications, where the highest levels of pressure are required, more powerful products are available. In common with all extensible bandages, Veinopress should be used with caution on patients who have marked ischaemia or impaired arterial blood supply, and care should be taken to ensure that the bandage is not applied with excessive tension.

Method of use

When used to apply support or compression to a leg, the bandage should be held with the bulk roll facing upwards. Working from the inner aspect of the leg, a single turn should be made over the top of the foot around the base of the toes to secure the bandage, and a second turn taken up to the base of the heel. After making a figure-of-eight around the ankle, the bandage should be applied up the leg, with each turn overlapping the previous one by 50%. Once in place, Veinopress may be fastened with clips or tape, as appropriate. Care should be taken to ensure that the bandage does not cause a tourniquet effect at the knee, and the operator should ensure that a pressure gradient exists beneath the bandage, with the highest levels of pressure at the ankle. If localized areas of higher pressure are required (following sclerotherapy, for example), the bandage may be used in conjunction with foam wedges. In these circumstances, care should be taken to ensure that the pressure applied is not sufficient to cause local tissue damage.

Frequency of Change

In very critical applications where the control of sub-bandage pressure is important, the bandage should be reapplied as frequently as practicable; in most other situations, the bandage may be left undisturbed for a number of days. Some decrease in sub-bandage pressure is inevitable, but this will be less than with traditional cotton products.


Veinopress is supplied individually boxed.


8 cm × 3 m (unstretched)

10 cm × 3 m (unstretched)


1. Thomas S, et al., Performance profiles of extensible bandages, in Phlebology 85, Negus D and Jantet G (eds), Proceedings of a symposium, Union Internationale de Phlebologie, September 16-20 1985, London, John Libby 1986, 667-670.

2. Blecher A, et al., The properties of a new elastane-containing compression bandage suitable for the treatment of varicose ulcers, ibid, 688-689.

Revision Details

Revision AuthorDr S. Thomas
Revision No 1.3
Revision date1997/12/16

This datacard has been prepared from data provided by the manufacturer and/or from published literature.

All materials copyright © 1992-2007 by the Surgical Materials Testing Lab. unless otherwise stated.

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